"Philosophy if it cannot answer so many questions as we could wish, has at least the power of asking questions that increase the interest of the world, and show the strangeness and wonder lying just below the surface even in the commonest things of daily life" 
-Bertrand Russell-

As you read the heading, this blog is completely about Philosophy. Philosophy is all about the beautiful mystery behind history. The blog contains the basic idea about philosophy, about philosophical method and its branches.   


The word philosophy covers a vast area in the real world. There is a series of answers to the question, What is Philosophy?. However, Philosophy, the rational, abstract, and methodical consideration of reality as a whole or of fundamental dimensions of human existence and experience. Philosophical inquiry is a central element in the intellectual history of many civilizations.

Quite literally, the term philosophy is derived from Greek words philo means 'Love' and sophia means 'Wisdom'. Therefore, Philosophy means nothing but 'Love of Wisdom'. In a broad sense, philosophy is an activity people undertake when they seek to understand fundamental truths about themselves, the world in which they live, and their relationships to the world and to each other.

The Philosophy can be defined according to several areas. As an academic discipline it is study about fundamental nature; reality and existence but in general, a guiding principle for behavior or governance.


Philosophical method (or philosophical methodology) is the study of how to do philosophy. A common view among philosophers is that philosophy is distinguished by the ways that philosophers follow in addressing philosophical questions. There is not just one method that philosophers use to answer philosophical questions.

QUESTIONING:- Questioning is the major role because everything start with the questions. Even new inventions and discoveries which already took place have the base of questioning.

CRITICAL DISCUSSION:- critical discussion is open and receptive to all ideas and arguments but rational arguments are doing something by reasons includes that one can provide reason for what they do.

RATIONAL ARGUMENT:- Rational arguments mean the exchange of evidence-based reasons.

SYSTEMATIC PRESENTATION:- I think it is the methodical demonstration of the principles that are understood by questioning, critical analysis, and evidence-based reasoning.


Our ancestors in the ancient world were thinking about the ways of the wise and, indeed, of the ways to become wise. Philosophy was a pathway, a way of life, the way to lead one’s life if what one wanted. Those who study philosophy are perpetually engaged in asking, answering, and arguing for their answers to life’s most basic questions. To make such a pursuit more systematic academic philosophy is traditionally divided into major areas of study such as Epistemology, Ethics, Logic and Metaphysics.

EPISTEMOLOGY:- Epistemology is the study of knowledge. It is primarily concerned with what we can know about the world and how we can know it. Typical questions of concern in epistemology are,

Do we know anything at all?
How do we know what we know?

ETHICS:- The study of ethics often concerns what we ought to do and what it would be best to do. In struggling with this issue, larger questions about what is good and right arise. So, the ethicist attempts to answer such questions as
What is good? What makes actions or people good?
What is right? What makes actions right?

LOGIC:- Another important aspect of the study of philosophy is the arguments or reasons given for people’s answers to these questions. To this end philosophers employ logic to study the nature and structure of arguments. Logicians ask such questions as,

What constitutes "good" or "bad" reasoning?
How do we determine whether a given piece of reasoning is good or bad?

METAPHYSICS:- At its core the study of metaphysics is the study of the nature of reality, of what exists in the world, what it is like, and how it is ordered. In metaphysics philosophers wrestle with such questions as,

Is there a God?
What is truth?


As an undergraduate in university, when I told people that I am studing philosophy as a main subject, they often looked at me with some mixture of horror and confusion. When most people think of philosophy, they likely imagine indecipherable books that stretch on for a thousand pages, saying and solving nothing but the truth is............

The philosophy is the core of all other disciplines. The tools taught by philosophy are of great use in further education, and in employment.  Despite the seemingly abstract nature of the questions philosophers ask, the tools philosophy teaches tend to be highly sought-after by employers.  Philosophy students learn how to write clearly, and to read closely, with a critical eye; they are taught to spot bad reasoning, and how to avoid it in their writing and in their work.

However, Philosophy does not need to be intimidating. You do not need to feel that famous philosophers are the only people with interesting thoughts about life. We are all capable of thinking in unique ways. A refreshing aspect of philosophy is that you can come up with many answers to the same philosophical question, and one answer is not necessarily better than others. There might not even be a right answer. You do not need to write your thoughts down. The process of thinking itself has its own rewards.

"Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay"
-Simone de Beauvoir-


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